Monday, August 23, 2010

North Central Ohio to Examine Two

Dr. Todd Scoles, coordinator for the North Central Ohio district, sent out information to pastors in his district about this upcoming examination. Pray for these men--Todd gives a good reminder of the importance and mindset of the examination process.

Our fall ministerial exam date is set for Wednesday, September 15, 9:30 AM at Grace Polaris. We have two men sitting for ordination exams - John Shirley and Jonathon Wiley.

The ordination exam consists of a man's reflection on his ministry, a brief report on books he read on pastoral leadership, his interaction with counseling case studies, and the feedback he received from those in his ministry. Make it a priority to be at these exams for these two men.

You might think, "With only two men for exams my presence is not necessary or critical." But it is. We all benefit from these exams - our questions and discussions with these men AND among ourselves as examiners is part of the "iron sharpens iron" aspect of ministry.


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