Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Bob Smoker in Hospital

GBIM's Jay Bell distributed the following prayer alert for Pastor Bob Smoker (pictured) of the Susquehanna Grace Brethren Church in Wrightsville, PA. Bob has been active, along with Jay, in the 'Nam Net ministry to Viet Nam.

Jan and I were driving home yesterday from Pennsylvania when we received a phone call from a member of Bob's church informing us he had been admitted to the hospital with shortness of breath and numbness of his arms.

Bob and Jeanne returned home from Viet Nam with intestinal problems and the doctor thinks his symptoms are the result of the illness he contracted in Viet Nam.

Bob and Jeanne and Jan and I were supposed to meet yesterday (Sunday afternoon) in Harrisburg, but they called on Saturday and shared that they were not feeling well. That caneclled meeting is a blessing! When Bob's symptoms developed he was close to home and his local hospital. PTL!


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