Thursday, March 20, 2008

April, May are 'Pay Your Dues' Months

From the latest e-mail newsletter from AGBM president Joel Richards:

All members of the AGBM will soon be receiving a reminder that membership fees are due and payable during the months of April and May. The simplest way for the AGBM to handle the dues is for one check from the district for all your men to be sent directly to the AGBM address in Winona Lake. HOWEVER, this year you can log on to the AGBM Website and pay your dues on line if that is more convenient or if you somehow miss the district taking care of this.


You can now pay dues on line. Go to our website, login and you will see a menu button for the acceptance of dues on line. We would prefer that each district handle all of these matters at one time because it saves a lot of work on our end. However, we want to do whatever is necessary to make the paying of dues as easy as possible. Keep in mind though that your name has to be forwarded by a district to become or remain a member of the association.


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