Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Kip Cone to Join WLGBC Staff

Kip Cone (pictured at right) is leaving his ministry at Grace Brethren International Missions to join the pastoral staff of the Winona Lake (Ind.) Grace Brethren Church (WLGBC), where Bruce Barlow is the lead pastor.

Kip has been a part of the preaching team for the past year (as a volunteer). His teaching has been used in a powerful way to strengthen the church.

Kip has long been associated with GBIM. In 1993, while still a student at Grace Theologial Seminary, he served as staff writer. In 1995 Kip and wife Mary were commissioned by his home church and GBIM to be part of a team that would open a new ministry in Berlin, Germany. In 2005 the Cones returned to the USA and Kip joined GBIM’s recruitment department, specializing in Short Term ministries.

To learn more, click here.


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