Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Your Invitation to Attend ETS in November

Dr. Brent Sandy of the Grace College and Seminary faculty sends the following "alert" regarding the upcoming ETS meeting in Washington, DC. If you come, stop by--BMH Books will be one of those "publishers hawking the latest books."

In case you might be interested in attending some sessions of the annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society next month, I wanted to make sure you had the details. Last year it met in Valley Forge.

This year it’s in Washington, DC, Nov 15 – 17, at the Washington Hilton Hotel. The theme is “Christians in the Public Square.” I meet many pastors in attendance at ETS meetings, including some from the FGBC. It’s a wonderful opportunity to hear the latest on biblical and theological topics of all sorts. The book room with hundreds of publishers hawking the latest books at deep discounts is “to-die-for.”

If you are not a member of ETS, you may want to join. It’s $30 per year, which includes four issues of the journal. Non-member registration for the annual meeting is much higher.

Several of us from Grace will be present, including being on the program. It would be good to see you

For more information, go to http://www.etsjets.org. You will find the full program on line.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

In order to be an asscoiate member of ETS one must be recommended by a full member... Would FGBC pastors, who don't meet full membership criteria, be able to use Dr. Sandy's name as a recommendation?

Jack Brown

2:29 PM  

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