Thursday, September 07, 2006

President's E-Mail Newsletter is Sent

The latest issue of "Serving One Another (JR)" from AGBM president Joel Richards should have hit your inbox today. Articles in this issue include

From the President's Desk

AGBM Proposed Bylaws Pass!

Bits & Pieces


If you did not receive it, be sure to drop an e-mail to Joel at and ask to be added to the distribution list.

Here are a few of Joel's opening paragraphs from the "president's message"

"Hello colleague. I trust you are experiencing the joy of the Lord. I am. If you might be going through a particularly tough moment try to keep you’re the eyes of your heart and mind on the one who has called you. He really is ABLE!

"We are working hard to better communicate with you and be a source of help and encouragement. If we get better at communication at large this monthly piece may seem redundant and unnecessary. I will do my best to bring you fresh information as well as point you to relevant information you may have missed. For now, if you never received this piece again I would encourage you to go the AGBM blog on a regular basis and the FGBC World Editor’s Blog as well. This of course is based on the assumption that you want to stay informed.

"Do not let it slip by you, either as a new thought or one you’ve known for some time, that we are a Fellowship. A key element in our DNA is Biblical relationships. Do whatever you need to encourage that in your district and across district lines. It is our belief that we can do more together than we can do alone. You can help me and I can help you."


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