Monday, September 18, 2006

Ajith Fernando on Sermon Preparation

More on sermon preparation--this time from Ajith Fernando.

I was once at a meeting of preachers, and they were discussing the problem of having inadequate time to prepare their sermons.

One person said that given all the things he had to do, it was impossible for him to give much time for preparation, and therefore he usually went to preach without much preparation. I was shocked by what I heard, but I did not say a word. This happened more than a year ago, and I have suffered much since then. Thoughts have been rolling over and over again in my mind as to what I should have said that day. I have finally decided to put my thoughts on paper.

We represent a great God who is over all and whose majesty is beyond all comparison. The greatest tragedy on earth is that people do not honour this great God. Our great goal in life is to bring honour to God. And we preachers have the opportunity of doing that when we preach.

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